Saturday, October 14, 2006


What is a witch?

Words to associate: Illness, jealousy, power, crazy, knarled, bad, borderline personality, human, scary, bipolar, unpredictable, umkempt, smart, bitter, ugly or siren, surprise, substance use or abuse.

Shapes to associate: Uprising forms, forms with sharp edges, broken looking, moving shapes . . . convey power and unpredictability

Colors to associate: Red for unpredictability and power and movement, black for illness, jealousy, borderline, scary, umkempt. Green to highten the red.

Does she work? Should I try to paint her? I am not sure on the face. I have not "made up" faces before. Generally I work from photos. The facial bone study I did helped here. But this one is still somewhat amorphous in the face. The proportions are generally better than previous efforts however.

I guess I will try to paint her.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Eyeball Study

This turned out pretty good. It is about my 3rd attempt on eyes specifically. I don't think I am going to put it up for sale. I am just going to put it in my collection. It doesn't look good up close. But it really "works" at a slight distance. I looked at one of DaVince's drawings and kind of did some of the same things he did. I think he knew how to make the features project. When you look at his drawings of eyes. The eyelids are really prominent. On this one I tried to think of the eyelids as a couple of caterpiller type things that were laying over a ball.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Newest Post

Well this is colorful and kind of funny. There was a challenge this week for a fishbowl painting. This is what I came up with. I kind of like it. I wonder what the market will make of it.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


This one is really hard to let go of. It is the start of a new process. One where I think about the day, and what is the most important thing about the day, and how I feel. And how I would want to express it. What colors, what lines. And then I draw the abstract idea . . .and then I let a subject come to mind and make it fit the abstract idea.

Really very strong. The sunflowers and pumpkin are the same process. But I am amazed what a "strong" painting this turns out to be. Kind of therapuetic and lets you really get it all out. But again. Sad to let it go.
This one is being sold . . .and being bid up a little bit.


I realized I never posted the final of this drawing. Here it is. It is not centered here. She is a cute girl and I like the soft grays of the drawing. Need to get it framed. I am NOT selling this one though. Will be nice to get back some of the ones I left in Seal Rock, Oregon.


Watercolor ACEO EBAY

Ok, so I started selling stuff on ebay. Everything is selling. No duds yet. But it makes me feel sad to let things go. Like they are mine, mine, mine. It is rewarding to display them, and when people pay for them it is motivating to make more, so I think it is worth it and a good thing to bump against some kind of a market.

I thought I would post some of them here though so I could look back and have them for myself . . . to some degree.