Sunday, August 28, 2005

Revised Painted Color Wheel
After some suggestions from my teacher, I went changed two of the purples. I added white to the blue purple and the purple to raise the value, so you could actually see the hue. This time I scanned the color wheel. I had to scan each side and then join them together in a panorama edit. That left a couple of little grey spots that I whited out. I think it does look better.

I want to share my color wheel exercises for this week. Actually I may go back to the drawing board and fix the blue/purple sample. It is too dark. I think I need to add white so you can see it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

You will not believe what you can do at this web site. This is great entertainment for anyone! Thanks to GE. I am going to try it with a friend sometime.

Imagination Cubed

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Here is a cool product I found today: Interactive color wheel: Create beautiful color schemes instantly. Visual color theory.

I took a random shot at the Internet yesterday with “color theory” and one of my finds was ColorImpact made by Tigercolor ( I decided to buy it this morning and downloaded it in about 2-3 minutes. The price was right ($39.95) although they offered a free trial of 14 days. After all the time I spent this week on color gradations, I was happy to find something that would do the work for me and I wanted to share what I found.

Description: (If you want a better understanding, go straight to the web site)

The program opened to a set of color devices. (Also can be reached with the Matching Color button in the left column) In the well, on the left is a color light wheel that may be set to RGB or HSB format, Hex values and other mathematical color descriptions are given in a bar on the bottom. Also in the well are 3 slider bars for either RGB or HSB, and a more traditional color wheel. The color wheel can be changed to represent more or less colors or specific color schemes. At any point, the user can right click on a color and then add that color to a palette bar on the top of the screen. You can also sample colors from anywhere else on your computer screen.

The palette colors can then be manipulated with various features in a column on the left, including exploring color variations (that is where you can do those gradients without grief), color blending, test patterns, and finally color composing where you can try out your colors in a web format.

Finally, the program ensures portability by offering a color bar so you can use your color choices in other programs, and it promises that you can print swatches and color values with specs.

My Thoughts:
It certainly was no problem to download and install the software. It is sophisticated and simple at the same time. It will generate daily pop up hints (unless you tell it not to). I think the Help feature is one of the easiest to understand because it uses actual visual teaching modes with color.

Of course, I have yet to actually use the software, but I am sure I will have the opportunity in the coming weeks.

This is the improved color wheel. I recentered the inside reference color wheel and added the black frame. I think it set it off well and gave the colors a little more definition. Next I actually have to paint a color wheel with real paint.


I changed the background on Hue 325 Wings after getting a suggestion from a classmate. What do you think?
My Leaf Color Wheel.

This is what I am going to turn in next week. I am having a wonderful time in my color theory class.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hue 325 Wings

This assignment required me to choose a color (hue) and then stay with that hue and change the saturation while keeping the value the same. We were required to use circles. I am sorry to say but I got practically addicted to the project (loved it!).

This one is self explanatory


I don't know about this one. I might have to change it. We were supposed to use one hue, and change the value. I really didn't use gradations. I wanted the 3 values, so I did it. I posted a rough draft, and I like I say, I might have to change it. But I like it like this.
This is a picture of some onions on my dining room table. I was totally jazzed at the way this turned out.

This is from the second week of class. I thought I was doing pretty good. And I was. But wait till I post how the last week turned out.

I thought I would share some of my work from my art class. This was my first week of the drawing class. It was pretty hard to get to even this point (READ: A few tantrums).
Hi. This is Justin, Emily and myself at Emily's wedding several years ago. It has a link to my blogspot and it reminded me I haven't blogged for a long time.