Monday, January 26, 2004

Here is what I wrote so far today:

Although many nurses are currently using PDAs, they are still in the minority. In order for nurses to accept PDAs as one of their nursing tools, they need more information. Nurses often struggle to accept information technology (IT), and therefore will likely struggle against using PDAs.
Part of the problem is that nursing culture does not encourage using IT to manage information (The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice, 1997, as cited by Hebert). This is compounded by the phenomenon of computer anxiety. Orr (n.d.) described computer anxiety as a disproportionate fear that is associated with decreased use and avoidance of IT.

Also, check out this computer anxiety scale: The Computer Anxiety Scale

I am going to use this as a resource to this first section.
Well it has been awhile since I have worked on this. I have been working on another class since the middle of December. However, I have only a week to go there and I am caught up with the classwork AND my husband decided to take a 2-3 day jaunt. Wow!

So I am spending a little time on my project. It is hanging together a little better. My current class is reminding me to write more succinctly. I knew I needed to do this, but I was having trouble with the PDA project.

Also the class I am taking now is discussing incorporation of innovation. Some of that is helping me.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Just checking on the blogger status.
The update is that I am finishing up a research utilization class.
I am working on developing an innovation for healthy nurses.

I am calling it Healthy Nurses for Healthy People (HNHP)